jeudi 5 février 2009

I would like to begin our acquaintance

De :
Objet : *** SPAM ALERT *** I would like to begin our acquaintance
Date : 5 février 2009 22:03:27 HNEC

Hello! How are you? Likely, you will be now surprised [à vrai dire, non]. I have received
the love Internet dispatch. In that letter was spoken about love
relations between people. In the list e-mail addressees, I have
seen your e-mail [en effet, mon e-mail semble apparaître dans les listes de tous les spammeurs de cette planète]. I consider, that the given chance for me unique,
therefore I have decided to write to you. I wish to find the true

I would like to begin our acquaintance, with the small story about me.
My name is Arevik. To me 27 years. I was born in not the big city
which is called Ararat. I the quiet, young, purposeful girl. I conduct
a healthy way of life. I do not smoke and I do not take alcohol.
I have work which very strongly I love. But I do not have not enough
love. I am assured, that on our planet, there is a person who can
present to me happiness and love!

I search for the real man who will love, and to respect me. I consider,
that this main thing in relations. I would like to find out you in
more details. I wish to get acquainted with you more close, by means
of e-mail. It will be for us easier variant.

Please reply on my personal e-mail:

You can write to me. I with pleasure will answer
you. And certainly, I will send you my photos. I with impatience will
wait your letter to me, with more detailed story about you. I am
assured, that we become good friends. Your faithfully friend from
Armenia [ça c'est original, cocotte, tu es la première arménienne qui m'écrit. Je voyais les arménienne plus brunes, mais peut-être est-ce un stéréotype], Arevik!

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