dimanche 26 juillet 2009

I wish to get acquainted with you

De : lxnbpehjx@tpnet.pl
Objet : I wish to get acquainted with you
Date : 26 juillet 2009 02:19:59 HAEC

Hello!)) if fairly that I awfuly understand a site and something is possible incorrectly at me.
But it would be easier to me if we could communicate through email. Simply I have not enough time,
and thus I can go and write to you when I have time.
My name Nadezda and very much i wish to get acquainted with you and I want that we have learnt each
other better. There can be my English bad but I hope you understand me.

I will be glad if you can write to me only to my personal email: nadezdasil@aol.com

I promse that I will answer you and it will be pleasant to me to learn you better.

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