dimanche 27 décembre 2009

je serai contente a te connaitre mieux

De : 7z2rqnn@chinamobile.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** je serai contente a te connaitre mieux

bonjour mon ami!

je m'appelle Marina. je suis une jeune fille qui cherche l'amour pour fonder la famille. est-ce que tu pourras m'aider avec ca??? j'ai vu ton annonce au site et tu m'as plu. si tu partages mes desirs j'attends ta reponse.
j'aimerai bien a savoir tes interets et voir tes photos.
je serai contente a te connaitre mieux.

S'il vous plait repondre uniquement a mes e-mails personnalises:  ms.verb@yahoo.co.uk

a bientot

mercredi 23 décembre 2009

I search for serious relations

De : akula@cei.net
Objet : I search for serious relations

Hello! How are you? This letter from Samara!
My name is Olga!
The chance to get acquainted with you has got to me, to find out each other,
can at us there will be that that general! I the lonely woman,
at me was not present the beloved and consequently I have contacted you!
I promise, that it will be pleasant to you to communicate with me,
I shall tell to you about the life, about the dreams.
I search for serious relations, and only serious as I already adult woman,
and am necessary for me the beloved! With this letter I send you the photo,
I hope, that it to like you! I with impatience shall wait for your letter!

Please write only to my personal e-mail:  

Protect the health, in fact it is very important

mardi 15 décembre 2009

Je vous souhaite une bon journee

De : y.inomata@toptone.co.jp
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Je vous souhaite une bon journee

Bonjour, je m'appelle Aleksandra.

Votre adresse de la poste, j'ai recu de l'agence des connaissances.
Evidemment le travailleur de l'agence des connaissances, l'ont trouve dans Internet, ou ont recu des collegues d'une autre agence.
Je cherche l'homme pour les relations serieuses!
Je suis une femme solitaire, j'ai 31 ans.
Je veux  rencontrer un convenable, culturel et bon homme. Je veux rencontrer une personne de couleur blanche! Je ne vais pas communiquer avec la personne Cheroy peau!
Je suis interessee a vous, et je veux faire le connaissance avec vous. je suis une personne gaie et sociable.  J'ai beaucoup d'amis. Mais parmi eux, il n'y a pas d'homme, a qui je peux confier le coeur,
Et en etre amoureux. C'est pourquoi j'ai decide tenter de rencontrer le destin dans Internet.
Vous m'etes interessants.
Je suis  tres solitaire et je me suis fatiguee de la solitude. Je reve de la creation de la famille. Je veux pour qu'a cote de moi soit un proche homme aimant. Sur le caractere je peux dire que je suis la personne romantique, j'aime lire les livres et ecouter la musique.
J'aime beaucoup de petits enfants, mais je n'ai pas de moi-meme.
J'attendrai votre lettre. S'il vous plait, repondez moi. Si vous m'ecrivez, je vous ecrirai de moi-meme et j'enverrai les photos.
Il me sera aussi tres agreable et aussi interessant de voir votre photo. S'il vous plait envoyez me-les, si c'est possible. Je suis solitaire et j'espere rencontrer la personne, avec qui je pourrai etre heureux.
Je suis serieuse est interessee par votre personne.

Moyens seule reponse a mes e-mails personnalises:  larose9911@rambler.ru

mardi 8 décembre 2009

I want to get acquainted with you

De : yigkkoeofq@93-32-239-102.ip35.fastwebnet.it
Objet : I want to get acquainted with you

Hello! My name is Margarita. I want to get acquainted with you. I'm 26 years old. And I am lonely, and seeking long-term relations. I wish to find my second half which I have not met befor. May be you? I hope, that you will answer me and it will be the beginning of our relations. I send you a picture that you to see who I'm. More about myself I with pleasure will write you, if you answer me. Ask, if you have questions. I will be waiting for your answer. I hope, that you will not keep me waiting for a long time. 

Please reply only to my personal e-mail:  margaritalola@yahoo.com

mercredi 2 décembre 2009

I am intersted in you

De : 0-pb@93-44-96-147.ip96.fastwebnet.it
Objet : I am intersted in you

Hello!  I  looked  through  your profile at dating site and decided to

write  you  a message and tell I am intersted in you.I'm sure that you
are  very intelligent and nice person. It would be great to learn more
about you! I'm sure we can find something in common and begin a long a
beautiful  story.I'm  looking only for serious relationship, I'm tired
of  games and dishonesty. I'm ready to give all my love and tenderness
to  a  right man. Maybe that is you? Nobody knows! I hope you are also
interested  in  communicating  with  me!  My name is Anastasia and i am 27
years old!

Please answer only to my personal e-mail:  lightangel@mail15.com

Looking forward to hearing from you! And, I would like, that
you send me your a photo! bye-bye

mercredi 25 novembre 2009

Jattends vos messages avec impatience

De : wya@boatbiz.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Jattends vos messages avec impatience

Bonjour mon ami! Je m'appelle Marina. Votre annonce me plait beaucoup! 

Si vous etes un homme serieux qui veut trouver l'amour et construire 
une famille solide et amicale  je suis prete a vous  repondre..
Je veux  savoir plus sur vous, voir vos photos, savoir vos interets, hobbies..
Je serai tres heureuse de communiquer avec vous et apprendre a vous connaitre! 

S'il vous plait repondre uniquement a mes e-mails personnalises:  beautiful4babym@ymail.com

J'attends vos messages avec impatience!


dimanche 15 novembre 2009

De : tesalesinquiries@transcore.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I have possibility to write to you


I am Ekaterina. And i have possibility to write to you, and i
am happy, that i have given your email from agency which is situated
in my city. They said me that you search the potential partner with
which you would like to spend the remained life and consequently I am
happy to write to you because I search too, as you. My friend also
could find the love through Internet and now she is happy together
with her husband. I am English teacher in an elementary school and I
like my work. I use the Internet in the first time to find love, but I
hope, that it will work.
I ask you that you will write me only on my personal email:  katavas999@yahoo.com

And then I can answer without problems to you with my other photo and
we will can correspond with you. I will wait for your reply fast.


mercredi 11 novembre 2009

I search love forever. I from Russia

De : 0-nonfoodrecipes-0@mattel.com
Objet : *** SPAM ALERT *** I search love forever. I from Russia

Hello my dear friend, my name is Elena.

Don’t be surprised with my letter. It’s not a spam.
I’ve applied to the acquaintance agency which is situated in my city.
The acquaintance agency should help us to get in touch. If you see my first letter, it means that the manager of acquaintance agency wrote you. He sent you my first letter. I think we should know each other better and we’ll get pleasure from our communication. I’m alone for some years already. And one nice day I saw an advertisement of acquaintance agency and decided to take a chance. The same day I went there forgetting about all my affairs. As if my legs itself led me to the office of international acquaintance agency, I’ve been thinking for a long time about an acquaintance via Internet, and now I have such a chance! Unfortunately all my attempts to make acquaintance in my native city had no result, I should recognize I failed, but I can’t live alone forever! I like very much these words “To love means to find in other’s happiness your own one”. And that’s a motto of my life!!
And of course I asked for a help to find you, my dear friend!!
I was told that you are an amazing man. And I’m glad. With great desire I want to tell you a bit about me!
I’m 36 years old and I’m looking for serious relations with serious man who will be able to love me and whom I can love. 
I live in Russia in a wonderful ancient city Rostov!! I work in social sphere, contact with people and help them.  
I’m not young already, but I still can’t leave a hope to find my Romeo, my fairy prince.
I want love, I want to feel thrill and caress, warmth, joy and simply woman’s happiness, I want to love, cherish you, I want to look after you, prepare food and to be an enchantress, a fairy of happiness for my man.
Mutual understanding, trust and attitude to each other are very important for me.
You always will be for me the best, the strongest, the most talented and the most darling!
I’ll appreciate passions and hobbies of my future man and divide it with him.
I’ve gone through a lot of difficulties and I’ve seen a lot, my husband died in a car crash.
I can’t think about it, I’ll better try it in the next letter.
Now I’m free for any change, just to find a sense of my life – this sense to give a joy to the man I love!
Well, we won’t speak any more about sad things, that’s nice we can know each other. To have a better image of me I send you a photo!! I hope you will like it!!!
I hope you found my letter interesting and you would like to answer me!

Please write to my personal e-mail:  elenaaarus@lavabit.com

I’ll wait impatiently for your letters.
Yours sincerely,

mercredi 4 novembre 2009

Maybe that is you?

De : kugacumh@93-43-215-231.ip93.fastwebnet.it
Objet : Maybe that is you?

Hello!  I  looked  through  your profile at dating site and decided to

write  you  a message and tell I am intersted in you.I'm sure that you
are  very intelligent and nice person. It would be great to learn more
about you! I'm sure we can find something in common and begin a long a
beautiful  story.I'm  looking only for serious relationship, I'm tired
of  games and dishonesty. I'm ready to give all my love and tenderness
to  a  right man. Maybe that is you? Nobody knows! I hope you are also
interested  in  communicating  with  me!  Ny name is Tanya and i am 27
years old!

Please answer only to my personal e-mail:  sjuicypeach@yahoo.de

Looking forward to hearing from you! And, I would like, that
you send me your a photo! bye-bye

dimanche 1 novembre 2009

Votre ami Anya

De : -mos@static.isp.belgacom.be
Objet : Votre ami Anya

Salut!  Have  a good day! L'ordinateur au service de connaissances m'a
trouve'  a'  vous.  Je tiens imme'diatement a' vous dire quelque chose
que je suis en provenance de Russie de la ville de Saratov. Je cherche
l'homme  pour  relation se'rieuse et re'union. J'espe're que vous avez
le temps de m'envoyer des messages afin que nous pouvons pour mieux se
connaitre.  Je  vais  vous raconter un peu moi, mon age, 26 ans, mon
nom  est  Anna,  amis m'appellent, Anya. J'e'tais pas marie' et je vis
dans un appartement de mes parents. plusieurs anne'es apre's la fin je
travaille  vospetatelem  l'apprentissage  de's  la  maternelle. I like
loisirs  actifs,  rendez-vous  pe'riodiquement  pour  les  sports pour
l'entretien  des  le  corps.  Voyage  Amour  et  de  visiter des lieux
diffe'rents,  mais mon travail ne ne permettra pas je le fais souvent.
J'ai  beaucoup d'amis, nous avons parfois ensemble consacrer du temps,
jouer au billard et de bowling, nous avons autres choses amusantes. Je
vous envoyer ma photo, donc vous savez mon visage. Je tiens e'galement
a' vous demander envoyer moi quelques photos de vous. S'il vous plait
demander  des choses a' mon sujet vous inte'resse? Je re'pondra a' vos
questions  et vous en dire plus sur moi-meme dans le e-mail suivante!
ŤAttendez  LL  pour  vos messages.

S'il vous plait repondre uniquement a mes e-mails personnalises:  

ami Anya.

How are you?

De : terakopov@inetia.pl
Objet : How are you?

Greetings! How are you? I WISH to GET acquainted! If you liked my photo. Write to me.

Please write only to my personal e-mail:  beautynice21@yahoo.com

I will be glad to answer.P.S - I from Ukraine.

mardi 20 octobre 2009

I am very much interested

De : 0-ohioanimalrescue-owner@kdn.ktguide.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I am very much interested
Date : 20 octobre 2009 13:23:52 HAEC

Hello my new friend, I search a good man at other country...
For me it to communicate for the first time with the person from other country, by Internet.
And it is valid, pleasant and interesting to me to write to you...
I do not know, with what to begin.... Therefore I will start to write about myself. I inform about me directly slightly.
At now i live at a small city, near to Kazan. My nationality - the tatar. I 28 years old. My weight - 56 kg. My height - 167 centimetres.
You could inform these data. For me in the man its external qualities are not important. To me the main thing, what soul. But anyway I would like to represent you.
And please send me the photo. I send you my photo also. In this photo I at cafe! I hope, that to you to like.
My loved colour pink. As at many women... I love flowers: tulips, carnations. My hobby is flowers and draw.
In the past, I was engaged in ball dances... But it in past. I do not wish to dance more on public. But I like to dance at home...
Please sorry for possible errors. I - so worry. Well, I shall continue, as I spoke, earlier I am a lonely girl.
I wish find the man on which I can to rely. Which will care of me.
I wish to find the man in other country. Therefore I am especially glad to speak with you.
I heard, that in the Internet is possible to get acquainted with the interesting person.
And want try it...
I am very much interested, and I want to know you better.

Please answer only to my personal e-mail: mayemis@yandex.ru

And send me more yours photos, please...
I shall wait for your letter to write.

vendredi 9 octobre 2009

I will wait

De : 0.c1260@uirfr.merlin.net.ua
Objet : I will wait
Date : 9 octobre 2009 10:08:30 HAEC

Hello!!! My name is Lyudmila. and i am from Russia. I found your email and i want to write you.
Iam searching my real love and looking for a dating in Internet.

Probably you are surprised to receive this letter but if you are interesting then you can answer me only to my personal e-mail: ludachkoo@yahoo.com

I will wait...

mardi 6 octobre 2009

I am a sweet woman

De : 0.no-promo-photos@g-b-i.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I am a sweet woman
Date : 6 octobre 2009 21:47:04 HAEC

There are millions of different people in the world, like million of
stars at the night sky but yet I don't know who is my special one. I'm
looking for my true love, and he cares for me deeply. Our life's
journey is always rugged. in good times and in bad, we can support
mutually, warm each other. I hope my future husband will be:honest,
warm-hearted, responsible, well-educated. I want a man who loves a
family and ready to make life together with me.I think I'm more like
traditional type of a woman. I am a sweet, sensitive, compassionate woman,
with lots of patience,seeking a man who is understanding, happy, optimistic
about life and is looking for a long term relationship. I'm
seeking a man who has a good head on his shoulders, who is
compassionate also, nice to others, easy going and who knows what he
wants in life. Lets meet. You could be the one. I need a continuous love not a short
time.I don't want to play game with anybody.So please don't waste each
others time!Thanks!if that sounds rude, I just want to be honest from
the beginning! If you want to contact me, Please try and send me email.

Please answer only to my personal e-mail: heartlonely777@gmail.com

lundi 5 octobre 2009

You may write me.

De : 0.rasrenjah@gbr.dupont.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** You may write me.
Date : 5 octobre 2009 21:09:29 HAEC

Evgeniya est de ces femmes qui font tourner la tête.
Eh ouais, même pas foutue de mettre la photo dans le bon sens ! Alors soyez généreux, et envoyez-lui quelques roubles pour qu'elle puisse s'acheter un Photoshop piraté.

My name is Evgeniya. I use this type of the dialogue for the first
time. I sincerely hope that its letter will be a pleasing message for
You. I not certain if You search for such either as, which I search
for,but in any event I count on that its letter will not remain
without answer. I search for the partner to lifes, which must fill its
heart. I search for soulmate its fates to go by way of the lifes
together to spread the simple pleasures, rejoice , I report You with
the whole sincerity and I serious in its searching for. But in any
event I wait your answer and if You are really interested, You may
write me.

Please answer only to my personal e-mail: evgeniyalove@fast-mail.info

I with pleasure will answer You, and I spread with You its scenes.
Hope to get your reply soon.
With the best regards,

dimanche 27 septembre 2009

Je suis impatient pour attendre votre lettre

De : _jade38@excite.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Je suis impatient pour attendre votre lettre
Date : 27 septembre 2009 19:19:50 HAEC

Bonjour! Parcourir les hommes sur le Rencontres site et j'ai vraiment aime votre profil.
J'ai ecrit un message sur le site, mais malheureusement vous ne m'avez pas repondu. Je voulais vraiment vous rencontrer. J'ai demande de l'aide pour l'administration du site de rencontres. Ils volontiers m'a aide. Ils m'ont donne votre adresse e-mail et maintenant je vous ecris cette lettre. Je suis tres heureux que maintenant, je peux personnellement vous ecrire un message. J'espere que vous ne laissez pas ma lettre sans l'attention et n'oubliez pas de me repondre.

S'il vous plait repondre uniquement a mes e-mails personnalises: vera.chansonamour@yahoo.com

Je suis impatient pour attendre votre lettre.
Votre nouvel ami Vera!

dimanche 20 septembre 2009

I hope, that You have time

De : eialdabhfjq@bostonrentals.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I hope, that You have time
Date : 20 septembre 2009 18:52:53 HAEC

Hello! The computer in service of acquaintances found to
me Some profiles of people which coincide with my inquiry. I
Preliminary studied them and has decided to send you to the first the
message Because your profile seems to me more interesting. I hope,
that You have time to send me some messages that we could it is better
to find out each other. I shall tell a little about myself; my age of
27 years old, my name is Dominica.I live in Moldova

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: ignatievad@ymail.com

I will wait your letter.

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

Hello! How are you? I'm Natalya

De : poempexi@21.Red-80-33-6.staticIP.rima-tde.net
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Hello! How are you? I'm Natalya
Date : 17 septembre 2009 16:24:22 HAEC

Hello! I am glad send my greetings to you:) My name is Natty! I’m 28 years old. Sweet, kind, gentle, tender girl searches good man :) My friends speak that I cheerful and sociable girl with which am always pleasant to communicate. Today I opened my email and have been pleasantly surprised to see notification from service of a dating site with you profile and have decided to write to you.

I would like to know you , please write only to my personal email: natashechka5@yahoo.com
if you also are interested in me :)

I wait your answer with impatience,

samedi 12 septembre 2009

I want to know you more

De : tequila_41@cm162.kappa249.maxonline.com.sg
Objet : I want to know you more
Date : 12 septembre 2009 05:25:53 HAEC

Hello. Please do not be surprised, this letter is not a spam mailing.

You probably will be very surprised that I'm writing you this letter.
About 10 days ago, I was surprised, too, when my e-mail address, a
letter arrived stating about love, about feelings between people. The
main theme of this letter was the phrase "Look for love and you'll be
happy." I liked this letter. In the e-mail address, I saw your e-mail
and decided to write to you. Did you mean love? Perhaps this letter -
fate? I do not know how the person who sent me this letter, I found my
personal e-mail. But I think that this is not important. The most
important thing is that now I can write you a letter. You know, I want
to know you more. But first, I want to tell a little about me. My name
is Yuliya. I am 28 years old. I have never been married and have no
children. I am a pretty, quiet, kind and sociable girl. It will be
interesting to talk with you and learn you closer. I build their
communication with the main goal - the creation of serious relations.
Relations without deception, without any games. I want to find a real
man who can love and respect me. I hope that you also would like to
find love? I believe in romantic relationships, appearance and age is
not the main thing. The most important thing is that people knew how
to love and respect for real! I have different hobbies and interests,
among which are - sports, cooking, reading, music. Of particular
interest to me is housekeeping, cleaning the house. I like
experimenting in the kitchen. I love animals. I lead a healthy
lifestyle. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. My new friend, can you
tell me about you? I want to know you more. In these letters, I'll
tell you about me more detail.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: ruekablu@yahoo.com

Of course, I will send you a lot of my photos, from which you will
know my life. In my photo shows all the moments of my life - joy,
thoughtfulness and even in some moments of sadness. I look forward to
wait for your answer. I really want to know you more. Please do not
forget about me. Your new friend, Yuliya.

mardi 25 août 2009

Hello my new friend!

De : yhxevkpswoja@172.222.broadband4.iol.cz
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Hello my new friend!
Date : 25 août 2009 18:54:47 HAEC

Hello my new friend!
I hope that our correspondence will be nice for each of us! It`s first time for me
when I decided to meet with the man through the Internet. May be you
will have a question why I do so. I was disappointed in Russian men. I
think most of them very false and deceptive. But I belive that
everyone of us make its happiness yourself. I belive that one day I
meet my love and I`ll love him forever. Now I want to tell you
about myself. My name is Bela, me 29 year.
Where do you live?
I was born in town Samara, Russia
and I live here all my life! It`s very nice provincial town.
It is the big and beautiful city. I have never been abroad.
And I even never been in other town of Russia. I want to travel
and learn interesting things and parts of country and all world.
And do you like travelling? Hope you understand my English. It`s
not my native language. I learnt it in the school and University
and now I learn it myself at home! At University I studied Economy
and I have the diploma of Economist. But in our town it`s very difficult to find a
good job and I work as the seller cd disks. I like my work and I do it with
pleasure. Where do you work? Do you like your work? I work five days
in week. On Saturday and Sunday I do work at home, go for a walk,
cook, read books and have a rest. Do you have hobby?
Oh, I forgot about time, I don`t have computer at my home and I
write you from Internet Cafe. Tomorrow I`ll come to check my e-mail
again. I hope to see letter from you soon!!!

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: Bellise09@yahoo.com

P. S. Do you like my photo? Please send me your photos, I`ll be very glad
to get them!

Your friend from Russia Bela.

vendredi 14 août 2009

I hope you are also interested

De : 0.shortyj12@johnnyharris.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I hope you are also interested
Date : 14 août 2009 22:11:12 HAEC

Hello! I looked through your profile at dating site and decided to write you a message and tell I am intersted in you.I'm sure that you are very intelligent and nice person. It would be great to learn more about you! I'm sure we can find something in common
and begin a long a beautiful story.I'm looking only for serious relationship, I'm tired of games and dishonesty. I'm ready to give all my love and tenderness to a right man. Maybe that is you? Nobody knows! I hope you are also interested in communicating with me! Ny name is Tatyana and i am 25 years old!

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: tanchik@lvmail.ru

Looking forward to hearing from you!

mardi 11 août 2009

How are you?

From: Elsie Swain <-rauf_lk@wireless_broadband_router>
Date: 2009/8/11
Subject: How are you?

Hi, how are you?

Maybe now you will be surprised. I long thought before write you a
letter. This morning, I got love the Internet dispatch, from an
unknown to me addressee. In this letter, it was romantic relationships
between people. In the list of e-mail recipients, I saw Your email
address. I long thought before writing you. Perhaps this the only
chance for me, so I decided to write to you. I find true love! I would
like to begin acquaintance with a small a story about yourself. My
name is Arevik. I am 27 years old. I am calm, young, goal-oriented
girl. I like all women of our country, like cooking, sports. I am
leading a healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke and not drink alcohol. I
have work which very strongly love. But I do not have enough love. I
am convinced that our planet is people who can give me happiness and
love! On the Internet I I was just recently. I do not have much
experience on the Internet acquaintance. I'm looking for this man who
will love and respect me. I think that is important in the
relationship between man and woman. Perhaps it is our fate? I want to
meet you closer via email.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: arevikabreas@yahoo.co.uk

You can write me. I am happy to answer you. Of course, I
will send you my photos. I look forward to your letter to
me with a more complete story about you. Arevik.

vendredi 7 août 2009

I can tell to you..

De : 0-nm@mattel.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I can tell to you..
Date : 7 août 2009 08:59:41 HAEC

My name is Elena!

We never talk with you earlier. I can tell to you that I would like
to get acquainted with you, and probably in the future we can develop
friendly relations, and probably and it is more, it can show only
time. I wish to find second half My friends say that I very friendly,
beautiful woman. I am a teacher of English in Elementary school! I
like my work because I love children. If it was pleasant to you my
photo or what I could write about myself in this small letter then I
will be glad if you write to me the letter on my email, OK?

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: rechka999@yahoo.com

In the next letter I will send to you more of photo that you could
see better me. Also I will be grateful, if with your answer will send
a photo.

Yours faithfully, Elena.

mardi 28 juillet 2009

I hope to see today your letter

De : uhcjbvublrpx@bobmoorepai.dealerspace.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I hope to see today your letter
Date : 28 juillet 2009 07:44:21 HAEC

I am very interesting you, i want to get to know you better if you not
mind, please answer me and i will tell you more about myself.
I would like to have correspondence with you on regular e-mail.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: irkapirka5@gmail.com

I give you the address.
I hope to see today your letter.


lundi 27 juillet 2009

I want to find my man

From: Lewis Thomas <0-rg@mattel.com>
Date: 2009/7/27
Subject: I want to find my man

My name is Oksana.
To me 28 years old. I get your E-mail at Soul Mate service - agency of
the international acquaintances in my city. At Soul Mate service to me
has told that you looking for women for serious relationships as me. I
have interest in acquaintance with you and having correspondence to
found each other better. I hope you still in search of serious
relationships with women and will answer to me.

Now some words about mine search.... I looking for serious
relationships here. I want to find my man for making strong and happy
family in the future. " in the future " because it long way for it. We
should comunicate much and long time what to come to it. Not so?

I know that this it is difficult to find future love by so way, but I
have no result in other ways and to decide to try this. I hope that
you will also interested in me and will answer me back. I very much
would want that you write to me more about yourself and city where
you live and sent me photos, I also shall send you mine photos and
will tell more about myself if you will answer. I aplied my photo, so
you can see what I look.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: parakeche@gmail.com

Wait for your answer very much....
May be your new friend Oksana

dimanche 26 juillet 2009

I wish to get acquainted with you

De : lxnbpehjx@tpnet.pl
Objet : I wish to get acquainted with you
Date : 26 juillet 2009 02:19:59 HAEC

Hello!)) if fairly that I awfuly understand a site and something is possible incorrectly at me.
But it would be easier to me if we could communicate through email. Simply I have not enough time,
and thus I can go and write to you when I have time.
My name Nadezda and very much i wish to get acquainted with you and I want that we have learnt each
other better. There can be my English bad but I hope you understand me.

I will be glad if you can write to me only to my personal email: nadezdasil@aol.com

I promse that I will answer you and it will be pleasant to me to learn you better.

vendredi 24 juillet 2009

I am interesting in you

De : 0.shortyj12@jsmtel.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I am interesting in you
Date : 24 juillet 2009 17:16:38 HAEC

Hi! This is so unusual to write you this message now. To be honest I was even a bit afraid! I hope my letter will not remain unnoticed for you! Inessa me I'm 25 years old. I work for a school teacher elementary grades. I do not know yet how to describe the purpose of my letter. As you probably noticed in my profile, I am very sociable and I I want to communicate. I am free and lonely girl. I want to find a man with whom I can communicate without any problems, find common ground with him, and which will support my internesy.Nadeyus that you respond to my letter. If you really want to take a closer look, you can write on
Please reply only to my personal e-mail: gool_laa@yahoo.com
For me to be very pleased if you answer. Inessa!!!

mardi 14 juillet 2009

I search serious relations

De : 0-7o@globalctigroup.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I search serious relations
Date : 14 juillet 2009 11:10:07 HAEC

Hi, how are you?

Maybe now you will be surprised. I long thought before write you a
letter. This morning, I got love the Internet dispatch, from an
unknown to me addressee. In this letter, it was romantic relationships
between people. In the list of e-mail recipients, I saw Your email
address. I long thought before writing you. Perhaps this the only
chance for me, so I decided to write to you. I find true love! I would
like to begin acquaintance with a small a story about yourself. My
name is Anzela. I am 27 years old. I am calm, young, goal-oriented
girl. I like all women of our country, like cooking, sports. I am
leading a healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke and not drink alcohol. I
have work which very strongly love. But I do not have enough love. I
am convinced that our planet is people who can give me happiness and
love! On the Internet I I was just recently. I do not have much
experience on the Internet acquaintance. I'm looking for this man who
will love and respect me. I think that is important in the
relationship between man and woman. Perhaps it is our fate? I want to
meet you closer via email.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: a_hakob@yahoo.de

You can write me. I am happy to answer you. Of course, I
will send you my photos. I look forward to your letter to
me with a more complete story about you. Anzela.

lundi 25 mai 2009

Ecris-moi vite!

De : 002414@rocketmail.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Ecris-moi vite!
Date : 25 mai 2009 01:45:19 HAEC

Mon nom est Yana.
Je recherche l'homme de graves. J'espere que vous me repondre a ma boite e-mail a
correspondre avec moi. Je pense que nous pourrions en apprendre davantage les uns
les autres par le biais de lettres. Je me tiens a vous en apprendre plus. Je veux
trouver l'homme avec qui nous aurait fort et sincere amour. Je ne l'ai pas
trouve le vrai amour dans mon pays et je suis a la recherche a decide de lui sur
Internet. J'espere que je vous interesse et vous me repondre que nous avons appris
les uns les autres mieux, il est possible, nous les personnes, qui sont crees pour
chaque autre.

Si je vous ont interesses, s'il vous plait ecrivez-moi sur mon e-mail: yana.beautifulflower.yanka@gmail.com

Il sera plus facile pour moi de Dialogues avec vous.
Je vais attendre votre lettre avec impatience! Ecris-moi vite!

vendredi 22 mai 2009

How you day?

From: Lorene Paul <007880@rocketmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/22
Subject: How you day?

How you day?
I am grateful to that that to me the case has turned up to write to you.
You not against more close acquaintance?
I the kind, cheerful and sociable woman. I wish to construct true relations.
If you want acquaintance to me, will write to me the letter,
I shall be very glad to answer your letter.
If you will answer me I shall write more about myself.
If you want our dialogue that write please only to my personal e-mail:

mardi 19 mai 2009

I want to get acquainted with you

From: Emanuel Dumas <008064@netscape.net>
Date: 2009/5/19
Subject: I want to get acquainted with you.

C'est mon ami Julien, le plus grand fan de ce site, qui m'a retransmis ce message. Dommage qu'il ne soit pas plus original, mais que voulez-vous: dans toute collection, tous les objets n'ont pas le même intérêt.

Hello! My name is Elvira. I want to get acquainted with you. I'm 27 years old. And I am lonely, and seeking long-term relations. I wish to find my second half which I have not met befor. May be you? I hope, that you will answer me and it will be the beginning of our relations. I send you a picture, that you dbltk [le cyrillique passe mal] who I'm. More about myself I with pleasure will write you, if you answer me. Ask, if you have questions. I will be waiting for your answer. I hope, that you will not keep me waiting for a long time.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: yandelvirochka@yahoo.com

mercredi 6 mai 2009

Bon matin

De : dehgehxwvnio@brasf.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Bon matin
Date : 6 mai 2009 12:44:08 HAEC

Bien que cette missive ne soit pas accompagnée d'une photo, je vous en fait tout de même part, car j'ai trouvé que la traduction en français de la traduction anglaise de la traduction chinoise de la traduction turque de la traduction yiddish de la version originale en russe avait quelque chose de poétique. Une sorte de téléphone arabe à l'heure d'Internet, dirons-nous.

Salut l'homme solitaire!!!!!
Peut lave la lettre a toi se montrera etrange, en geignant voyait ton profil et il se m'est montre tres interessant. Je tres attentivement l'ai etudie et s'est decidee de t'ecrire. Je veux t'avouer que non quand plus tot ne faisait pas connaissance selon Internet puisque je passe tres peu du temps dans Internet et pour l'element non familier en froissant cela entierement. Je ne peux pas trouver il y a bien longtemps a moi-meme le vrai homme et l'ami et comme j'ai compris que tu es entierement solitaire aussi. J'espere beaucoup que que tu te m'interesseras aussi et pourra me repondre sur lave la lettre.

Puisque je passe tres peu le temps dans Internet moi veut te demander pour que tu m'aies ecrit sur l'adresse et maintenant je veux donner l'information necessaire pour cela que tu as pu m'ecrire: katerina20072009@rambler.ru

Avec l'impatience j'attends ta lettre Ekaterina.

vendredi 1 mai 2009

I am not assured in true relations

De : orrebwef@bptus.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I am not assured in true relations
Date : 1 mai 2009 14:00:32 HAEC

Voici une jeune fille qui voudra bien se faire investiguer, quand elle m'aura investigué. Ma foi, tout cela mérite l'ouverture d'une enquête.

I am glad, that the case was gave to me to write to you the letter! Whether we can get acquainted with you more close? I am not assured in true relations while people do not investigate each other more close. Today I shall not speak about me directly in details. I wish to receive your answer then we can investigate each other more close.

Write to me only to my personal e-mail address: volosatieyaisa@gmail.com

I send you my photo.

Les premiers indices, relevés sur la photo, laissent supposer qu'elle sait conduire une voiture, et qu'elle a bon goût quant au choix de la lingerie.
Ah oui, et aussi que c'est une bonnasse !

dimanche 26 avril 2009

I have serious sights at this world

De : hrgsaso@bonavistaenergy.com
Objet : *** SPAM ALERT *** I have serious sights at this world
Date : 26 avril 2009 12:41:46 HAEC

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose le courriel de Lyudmila, qui en plus de ses talents de contorsionniste — qui lui permettent de s'aggripper à la rampe de l'escalier des deux mains — est une femme du monde, une vraie, de celles qui croquent la vie à pleines dents, quitte à dévorer de l'occidental tout cru.

Hello my the surprised friend!

My name Lyudmila and I wish to take away from you at all a lot of time and to penetrate in my letter! On verra plus tard pour les pénétrations. My trade the doctor the dentist. I had an ingenious idea to try to find love not in that place where I live namely not in Russia! Ah ouais ! super original comme idée ! In me there were such emotions since recent time! I would like to tell to you about it my friend. On my work in the Stomotologichesky Polyclinic I had a chance that I will go on an exchange for practice to other city for me it it was good and not much not on myself because to go to other city on practice! I do not have there friends or even I am simple girlfriends with which I can to spend time and speak cheerfully about problems in mine to a new life.

But all has exchanged and on an exchange there has gone my colleague which only not for a long time has come to us for work after the termination of Medical university. But the desire to find the acquaintance from other country at me remains on former. I thought of a step as acquaintance to the person from other country much. Once after work I have gone on foot because weather was fine and saw as enamoured steams follow a hand and exchange gentle kisses. I do not have not enough tenderness and the favourite person in the lives and
it to me became very clear after this walk. I like to walk sometimes one alone with myself and to think about the lives. I could not find the happiness in my city and till now is lonely. For myself I have resolved to search for the love in other country. Especially I heard much about that that people from other countries are more romantic and are careful concerning relations with women, so to say they have a spark in eyes! I am ready completely to this step and have bought
yours e-mail in International Dating Agency. To me have told that you my friend very good lonely person with kind and open heart. I wish to tell about myself directly that to me 32 years and my growth 168 see I live to Russia, city Kanash. I wish to be happy life in the and I have
serious sights at this world. At me the big age and is a lot of experience behind shoulders. I am confident that we can to find with you the general a theme of conversation and to learn each other more.
I hope to see yours the letter my friend about your life. As I to place my foto with the letter and some resume in a file. I very much would like to see yours the letter and to have with you acquaintance.
I would like to see that we became good friends and not only.

If you are serious and interested please reply ONLY to my personal e-mail: lyudmilaneedlove@gmail.com

My letter to you was sent by manager International Dating Agency
therefore write on my personals e-mail: lyudmilaneedlove@gmail.com

Yours new friend Lyudmila.

Et en plus, Lyudmila a eu la bonne idée de joindre son C.V. :

City: Russian Federations
Country: Kanash

Age: 32
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Height: 1.68 m
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
• I like to play the following sports:
Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Other.
• I like to exercise:
• My exercise regime consists of:
Aerobics, Swimming, Yoga, Other.
• I like the following outdoor activities:
Gardening, Going to the beach, Walks on wood, Skating.
• I consider myself artistic, and I like:
Acting, Dancing, Sculpting, Singing, Writing .
• I like to watch these sporting events:
Synchronous swimming, Billiards, Soccer, Tennis.
• I have the following pets:

My education and career

• I attended high school.
• Medical university.
• My current occupation is: Work in The dentist.

Si vous connaissez quelqu'un à la recherche d'un stomatologue, soyez sympas, faites suivre, pour que Lyudmila réalise son rêve, et que toutes les russes sachent qu'en France, on aime accueillir les immigrées. Du mois, quand elles sont canons.

mardi 21 avril 2009


De : fyqnwd@braden-threadgold.com
Objet : Bonsoir
Date : 21 avril 2009 21:35:48 HAEC
Répondre à : fyqnwd@braden-threadgold.com

Pour une fois, voici un message un peu original. Non, mais c'est vrai que c'était plus très marrant de les commenter, tellement c'est toujours le même message, tellement il n'y a que la photo qui change. La première surprise, c'est qu'il n'y a pas une, mais deux photos:

Ensuite, le reste est en français. Enfin, les mots sont français, parce que la grammaire emprunte au russe, au javanais, au petit-nègre et à Google Traduction. Elle doit aussi être familière de PowerPoint, ne s'exprimant que point par point.

Bonsoir, mon nom Aleksander. C'est pas un nom de mec, ça ?
Je suis une femme seule dans la peau blanche, je suis 29 ans. Seule dans sa peau blanche: bon signe, pas de dédoublement de la personnalité.
Je cherche un homme pour relation serieuse.
Je tiens a repondre, culturelles et bien. (?)
Je tiens a vous familiariser avec un homme a la peau blanche. Oh, tu sais, des hommes à la peau blanche, j'en connais déjà plein.
J'ai bien recu votre e-mail de l'agence de rencontres, ils ont trouve sur l'Internet
ou d'une autre agence. Ouais, il faut que je me désinscrive de cette maudite agence, ils m'envoient que des russes qui écrivent point par point.
Je suis interesse a vous, je desire vous rencontrer.
Je suis gai et sociable personne. Rassure-moi, t'es pas un trav' au moins ?
Parmi mes amis, pas de l'homme, a qui je confie mon coeur et dans l'amour avec lui.
Je suis donc allee a l'internet. vous me interesses.
A propos de son caractere, je peux dire: Je suis un romantique, je n'aime pas la violence,
J'aime les petits enfants, mais leurs enfants, je n'ai pas. Donc tu n'as pas kidnappé de gosse ?
Je ne suis pas quand a ete non pas pour son mari. (?)
Je suis une fille avec une ame romantique. Tiens, enfin une phrase comprehensible.

Mon adresse est: Aleksandra Tueva, e-mail: gus-regina@rambler.ru

Et là, c'est marrant, car il y a un message dans le message :

Je vais attendre pour votre lettre. S'il vous plait repondez-moi.
Si vous ecrivez moi, je vais vous ecrire une histoire sur eux-memes et a envoyer leurs photos. Eux qui ?
Je vous demande egalement de me faire parvenir vos photos! Celles où je suis nu ou habillé ?
S'il vous plait ecrire sur le pays et la ville ou vous habitez.
Je suis une femme seule, je l'espere, de rencontrer un homme avec qui je peux etre heureux.
Je reve d'un homme qui m'aime avec qui je peux creer une famille heureuse.
Je suis tres interesse a votre personnalite.

Je me rejouis de votre lettre dans ma boite aux lettres: Aleksandra Tueva, e-mail: gus-regina@rambler.ru

Je vous souhaite bonne journee.

mercredi 15 avril 2009

You like me

De : keorxsyxr@bloodyhands.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** You like me
Date : 15 avril 2009 22:05:15 HAEC

Greetings!!! My name Mariya. To me 29 years. I wish to find the man for serious and long attitudes. I hope, that you the serious person. I shall be very glad to continue with you dialogue. I think, that you the good and careful person. I to you shall leave, the electronic address and I shall wait from you for the letter. If you will write me the message on my electronic address I shall write to you more about myself and I shall send the photos. I do not love at once about myself all to write and reveal, I the girl a riddle. I wish to find love. And I think, that we with you shall continue correspondence.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: redis745@gmail.com

I wait for the letter.

vendredi 10 avril 2009

My prince???

De : teeq@mundo-r.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** My prince???
Date : 10 avril 2009 10:06:53 HAEC

Hi Man!:) My name Anna. Possible you are don't search the soulmate for a life, but I want to test destiny:)
I couldn't find the man on sites of acquaintances, all of them resemble the boys playing on feelings of girls,
in particular my feelings. For them all this flirt, game in love but for me is serious searches, searches of the partner forever.
To put it briefly, if you are serious, if you want to create family, if you like my appearance (my private world much more beautifully,

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: Annasaratov@gmail.com

I can assure you:), you can answer on my e-mail with your photos and some description about what you want from life.

mardi 7 avril 2009

I very much would like to have our first acquaintance

De : ipumnvocqgg@bossybootsrecords.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I very much would like to have our first acquaintance
Date : 7 avril 2009 17:50:36 HAEC

Hello My Friend! I hope you can this message without effort - and I will hope very much that I have executed all truly and you can read my message which I direct to you for the purpose of our personal acquaintance, My name is Katya i'am 28 years old and now I very much would like to get acquainted with the Worthy and decent man for creation of a good fellowship, your personal email I have received by means from one of marriage agensy of my city and now I can hope only that it will be interesting to you and i hope that we can continue our dialogue and in this case I with impatience will look forward to hearing from you...

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: katyalopata@yahoo.com

Yours faithfully - your New Friend... Katya.

lundi 6 avril 2009


De : khysvqtxifx@botennet.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** Hey
Date : 6 avril 2009 22:51:57 HAEC
Répondre à : khysvqtxifx@botennet.com

I've put on an ad before but didn't meet anyone who I clicked with so trying again!

I am ambitious, caring, loyal, honest, affectionate and to the point! I love films so cinema, cosy nights in, theatre, shopping, seeing family and friends, the usual girlie things, day trips, weekends away etc etc. I go to the gym a few times a week so need someone to keep me motivated not drag me back onto the sofa! lol.

I am looking for someone who is also ambitious, affectionate, attentive, honest, likes to have a laugh, someone who's not a huge drinker, just socially because I don't drink. I'd like to find someone to build something long term with, not a fling/casual.

Please reply ony to my personal e-mail: novoemesto@gmail.com

I have attached my picture so if you would like me to reply please send yours.

jeudi 2 avril 2009

I am search true love!

De : xtmegpp@borealpb.com
Objet : *** PROBABLY SPAM *** I am search true love!
Date : 2 avril 2009 20:27:26 HAEC

Please, do not be surprise - this letter is not a spam one.
You will probably be amazed of the fact that I am writing you an e-mail. Yesterday I myself was amazed too, when saw your letter in my e-mail box. The letter was about love and sensations among people. The motto of the letter was like this «search for love and you’ll become happy». I liked this letter very much. There was a list of e-mails where I found yours. I decided to write you. Maybe you are seeking love too? Maybe it’s our destiny?
I do not know actually who was the person that had sent me that e-mail and how did he get my e-mail address.
I think it is not important. The most amazing thing is that I can write you. I would like to know more about you. Providing that it is me who is the first to write, I want to say some words of my personality.
My name is Irina. I am 30 years old. I have never been married and have no children.
I am cute, calm, kind and sociable.
I think it is interesting to talk with you and discover new features of yours… Discover you as a person. I am a serious woman and I am looking for serious relations. For me it means no deception, no double jokes. I am looking for a real person who will manage to love and respect me. I hope you are searching for your love, too.
I do not think that in love-relations age and appearance have any importance. The chief factor for me is ability to love and respect seriously!
I have lots of hobbies and interests in life. Among them you will find sport, cooking, books reading and definitely music. I am going crazy about housekeeping and house holding. I like tiding up and general cleaning. I am keen on experimenting in my kitchen. I love changes.
I am fond of animals and prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle, thus, I do not smoke or use alcohol.
Hey, my new pen-friend. What can you tell me about yourself? I want to learn more about you.
In my future letter I will describe my character and my personality more precisely.
Definitely, I will send you some of my photographs. It will help you to understand who I am and where I live. My photos will reveal all parts of my life – my happiness, my pensiveness and sometimes melancholy.

Please reply only to my personal e-mail: irkaprincess1131@gmail.com

I am looking forward to your reply. I am really interested in knowing you better.

Remember of me.
Your new friend,